Pro tip:

Use the drag tool on the photo above to see the seeds at sprouting and later once established!

Plant your seed paper indoors all year long, no matter your growing zone! Place your pot near a window protected from drafts and keep watered so that the soil does not dry out.
Watch as your sprouts turn into leaves, stems, and eventually, beautiful wildflowers!

Scroll down to see our step-by-step process with photos!

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The Nitty Gritty

Where can I plant?
Our seed paper manufacturer only uses seeds that are tested and approved for planting for planting in Canada, the US, EU, UK, New Zealand, Australia and many other countries worldwide. We always recommend using a pot to grow your seed paper in order to control watering, etc.

More Seed Paper Details
Wildflower Seed Mix: Grows a blend of colorful wildflowers including Catchfly, English Daisy, Sweet Alyssum, Spurred Snapdragon, Bird's Eye, Black- Eyed Susan. All seeds used are non-GMO.

The seeds will need four hours a day of direct sunlight with constant watering until established. The plants can grow to as tall as three feet. This blend is safe propagation across North America. Don't plant too deep in soil - using a pot or planter, cover with just 1/8" of soil and water as needed until established as germinating seeds and seedlings cannot survive even a brief drought.

They can be started inside in a pot and then transferred outside when more established and during appropriate growing seasons. Protect from cold drafts and allow for warm sunlight, but not drought or extreme heat conditions. Our favorite, tried and true method to grow is in a pot near a window with potting soil and checked daily for watering.

Our seed paper partner makes the seed paper from post-consumer and post-industrial paper collected from local offices and schools - all seeds are non-GMO.

Viability and Germination Rates
Due to the nature of plantable items, we hope you understand that growth may vary and will ultimately depend on the end user's care. Here are the steps we take on our end to ensure your seed paper is viable and has acceptable germination rates:

1. We order fresh seed paper every other week on an average basis to be used within a few weeks and to make sure that your seed paper is viable for many months to come.

2. Our seed paper manufacturer tests and ensures for seed paper germination rates in the range of 75-90%. Seed paper can remain viable for up to 5-6 years, though germination rates may decline each year.
We recommend using your paper within a year for the best germination rates.

3. We test our seed paper for ease of use, germination viability, including growing them indoors in our own office year round and outdoors during our growing season.

4. We cannot stress enough how much water and sunlight affects your seeds. Unfiltered, bottled or natural spring water and avoiding extreme temperatures during germination is best.
Using water with high amounts of chlorine is not recommended.

Avoid planting your seed paper directly in the ground - it can dry out too easily. We highly recommend starting them in a pot or planter with direct sunlight, and watering as needed until they're very well established.

soaking your paper

what you'll see...

You should see evidence of the seeds within your seed paper and within 2-7 days, you should see seed swelling and begin to see sprouts popping out! Be sure to keep them watered during this stage and initial planting. **While this photo shows examples of seed swelling and germination in seed paper, we recommend planting in soil from the start.

Planting your paper

what you'll see...

Carefully transfer your seed paper to a pot or planter mostly full of potting soil. Lightly cover the seed paper with a little soil. Do not bury it. Keep watered every day.

Watch it grow!


Growing your seed paper will take time. You'll see sprouting and leafing for months. Some flowers will bloom within a few months, others may take up to a year.

Beautiful blooms!

Watch as your seed paper grows! We've had success with growth and re-growth over several years!